
Instantly unlock invoices

Easy integration

No risk, all reward

Everything in one place

Transparency in every transaction

When you sign up with Marmalade, there are no additional fees. Your money is always your money. Marmalade allows you to access it sooner to accelerate your growth.


What you see is what you get. You’ll know the one-off fee and percentage that will be applied to your cashed-in invoices in advance, allowing you to make an informed decision. If you don’t cash-in an invoice, you don’t pay any fees. Simple.



with apples


Easy sign up with ongoing technical support

Complex and intrusive sign up process

100% payment of invoices in 24 hours, minus a 3-5.5% fee

80% payment of invoices, with the remaining 20% released minus fees upon invoice payment

Total control of customer communication to prevent any harm to relationships

Direct and potentially harmful pursuit of invoice payment by the lender

0% interest

Interest charged after 30 days of non-payment

No limit, regardless of how much you want to cash-in.

Limit to access based on a minimum invoice value

No lock-in contracts

Inflexible lock-in contracts

No annual fee

Monthly fees

No clawbacks

90-day clawback terms

No debt or liability

Debts and liabilities registered on business balance sheet

Your payout


Your cash-in fee*


*Find out more about our cash-in fee rates and how we calculate it here



cash-in fee

  • Marmalade assigns you a status —Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum —that influences your cash-in rate for available invoices.

    You begin at Bronze status and move higher if you do these three things:

    • Generate invoices using your Marmalade virtual bank account details.
    • Receive payments through your Marmalade account.
    • Address account issues and disputes within a 15-day period.

    The higher your status and integration levels, the lower your cash-in rate and the less you pay. 

    The cash-in fee rate for an invoice - ranging from 3% to 5.5% - is calculated by combining your status level and your customer's payment pattern.

    You’ll be clearly informed of the cash-in fee for each invoice before you cash-in, so you can decide which ones to select.

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Ready to go with the cashflow?

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